Why TIM is the right Data Center Consultant for you


Core Values

Business is not only driven by knowledge alone. The soul of a business are the core values which is powering on how the business practice being delivered.  TIM core values outline the most of importance credential in consultative services. Transtellar Inti Mitra (TIM), stands for Trust, Integrity and Mutual.  We earn trust by keeping our oath on integrity to build a long last mutual relationship with anyone within the industry.

Expert TIM

TIM approach for every client’s needs is based on systematically assessment and consultative approach.
We carefully analyzed and survey all aspect in order to develop the correct plan which provide rooms for optimize Data Center future growth.

TIM expert boards are consist of people from various IT background with proven industry certification. TIM expert boards are CCDA, CCDP, CCDE, and CCAr certified holders.

TIM Framework

TIM not only relying on experience to provide the optimize solution for your Data Center. We are also practicing world best practice standard and guidelines to ensure your Data Center compliance.

TIM practices comply with TIA, Uptime Institute, COBIT, ITIL and ASHRAE. And we continuously improve our expertise and knowledge as the technologies always renew.

Our Clients